When Vitamix posted her thread below, it reminded me of my varying vision symptoms that I have been meaning to post.
Last year, before iodine, my eyes improved from -4.75 in each eye to -3.50 in each eye. I wear contacts. They are single focal and I had been using +2.00 and +2.50 reading glasses for reading. Slowly my vision began changing and my reading glasses went down to 1.50, then 1.00. Even single vision, I could not see well. I was sure my vision had improved. I was happy, and since I had to buy another box of contacts I went for a new prescription.
Bad news, back to -4.75. I was in the pits. I did not have the trial pair of contacts one week until I realized I could not see with them either. They were multifocal and I could not read with them from the first day.
I went back to buy another box of the -3.50 contacts, which now work perfectly with +1.00 reading glasses.
I know prescriptions can change with blood
Sugar changes, but my blood
Sugar has SEEMED fairly stable.
If anyone knows different, let me know, but I would say my eyes were detoxing something or going through some kind of transient phase, because the -4.75 certainly does not work for me now.