If you step foot in a doctor's office, there is coercion. Until the last month, I was still going to the doctor every six months to renew my synthroid prescription for my thryroid. The last time I went in June, the doctor and I went round and round about my going to get a mammogram. She stated tht the next time that I came in, which would be about now, I would have to go. She was a bit forceful and adamant. When I walked out of there, I wondered what I would do, as I had no idea how to go about treating my thyroid naturally.
Well, through a thread of forums I came to find out that trapper and wombat have an iodine forum. I popped in to ask some questions, and wombat answered my questions and gave me some reading material. I am now off of synthroid and taking iodoral. Actually, I do believe I am feeling better. And I am so happy I won't have to go through the mammogram tug of war again.
I once liked Edwards, but have a bit of a problem with him putting himself above caring about his wife's return of cancer and a HUGE problem with him basically selling us out to the World Pharma empire mainstream medicine they control by mandating that we are ALL prisoners to a cradle to grave system of managed illness. What a horrific idea!
As for me, as if I need remind anyone, I am for the candidate who opposes the idea of cradle to grave care by the government and who favors a return to the individual being sovereign and having the freedom of choice to determine how they address their own private health issues as well as the free and sovereign citizen of the constitutional federal republic form of government we were founded to be having the right to determine what we wish to put into our private bodies. Unlike the upside down way our system has become, and unlike the view of the ruling elite, the government does not OWN us.
This same individual I support is also the one who has introduced legislation that would require the FDA to prove the harm before banning or persecuting a dietary supplement, instead of being able to arbitrarily label it as a medicine whenever it has health benefits and thus force it into a system that will cost several hundred millions to prove that it is safe - in the same way the FDA has "protected" us by insuring that Vioxx, Bextra, Alleve, Fosamax, Gardasil, Avandia, Aspartame and MSG have proved their safety.
If still in doubt about who I support: