Johnny has raised some issues in his post yesterday....
These are obviously big issues about which there could be very lengthy discussions but I will just offer some thoughts.
>What makes chelation work quickly and painlessly in some people and not others?
-age (the younger the better),
-how long someone has been ill (the shorter the better)
-how 'serious' the illness is
-to what extent their liver, adrenals, thyroid are compromised (with deficiencies and emotional and social stesses, not just the mercury burden).
-how big the mercury burden is (what level of exposure they have/had),
-how depleted their glutathione stores are (which will be affected by protein levels are in the diet).
>What stage should you be at before you begin - i.e. what should you make sure is working correctly? What supps should you be taking?
I would say to be as emotionally and physically prepared as possible but really this is unrealistic as those problems won't be completely resolved until after chelation anyway.
For starters though bowels should obviously be working to some degree! ;) It would be dangerous to start chelation if you had really bad constipation. Though I know ALA can help with constipation as it increases bile. Extra fibre eg apple pectin (question re sulphur Johnny?), activated charcoal, linseeds, psyllium husks, probiotics for the inevitable candida flare-ups.
Definitely should be taking liver support herbs and probably glandulars too depending on how ill they are. Antioxidants like Vit C and E and following a clean as possible diet. Juices help.
Epsom Salt baths and
coffee enemas are also beneficial. Skin brushing and saunas to take the burden off the internal organs and to get rid of some of the mercury.
I suppose some people might want and be able to have specific tests (apart from the hair test) for their liver and amino acids so they can address specific issues.
Support from friends and family (ideally), though this may not be realistic in practice. Of course we will all support eachother here! :)
>What is the best way to combine DMSA and LA? My thoughts were to start off on DMSA for a few rounds and see how that goes, then later introduce in LA.
I know some people do ok on just ALA, depending how much they take ;), but I agree that the safest way would probably be to take DMSA/DMPS first to reduce the body burden then move onto ALA for brain detox. Also some people take DMSA/DMPS for the first few doses then move onto ALA then back onto DMSA/DMPS, within the same round. Of course everyone will have to experiment (without taking too many risks!!) to see what is comfortable for them. And ALWAYS start on the lowest dose of 12.5 of ALA and maybe 25mg of DMSA/DMPS.
Just some initial thoughts.....I'd say more but not feeling very with it today!
Lots of info here....