The results of the lupus test were not back to my doctor on friday, and there is another test she is waiting on but I'm not sure what that was for. I think my doctor is reasonably certain it is definitely RA, as my
RA factor test results were really way out of normal range, plus I'm showing all the symptoms. Some of my fingers are already looking deformed! And I have had to remove most of my rings. Apart from the joint pain which got alot worse very quickly in the last few weeks, it was also symmetrical in the way it got worse in both hands, then both feet. It has now started to hurt elbows, shoulders, knees and hips. Other symptoms I had which either began or worsened with the onset of the more severe pain were fever, constant tiredness/sleepiness, and nasty mouth ulcers. I have no idea what all the blood tests were for but they took alot of blood. I don't know if they are checking any thyroid issues, although I don't think it is working correctly as I still can not shift any of the weight I gained with mirena. I am also anemic at the moment. I'm having trouble finding decent pain relief, and if the medication I started yesterday doesn't work the doctor wants to give me cortisone injections. I really don't want that. There is not a rheumatologist in the city I live in so I have to see one who visits from another city. He is only here once a week and is booked well in advance. I can't get an appointment with him until late february. However my doctor has spoken to him and if I don't get relief from this new medication he will squeeze me in sometime next week.
Prior to mirena the only time I had joint pain was when I had a severe allergy. When I removed the food I was allergic to from my diet my joints stopped hurting immediately. I only had the mirena in for 3 months. I originally had it put in to try to control heavy bleeding, which it did, but at the cost of my skin, my figure, and my sanity!!!! LOL
How do they test for thyroid problems? And how is it treated?
Please post back.....take care!