I had the reoccuring vaginal infections and the
Acne ! I had mine inserted in 3/06 and within 1 month I started with them and the infections didnt go away until it was removed in 2/07. The
Acne went away shortly after removal. I have a slight case of Roseacea which didnt come on until I got that dreaded device. I also had depression, extremem fatigue, memory loss, hair loss, no sex drive and had some wacky things going on with my blood tests. It showed my red blood cells were not living their normal 90-120 days and my billirueben counts were ridiculously high. I had to go see an oncologist ! Do you know how scary it is to walk into a cancer doctors ?? All my blood work started coming back normal in May which is when my cycles returned to normal. I guess thats when it was out of my system. But I'm sure dr's would say it had nothing to do with the Mirena. Right docs, we believe you. *roll eyes*