I've read where someone cured themselves of MS by getting rid of candida (overgrowth of yeast in the body). Since candida is a parasite, Clarke's theory seems very plausible. Here's the website:
I didn't mean Candida...I meant the thinking that actual worms(don't know what kind) actually eat the myelin sheath that causes MS. Thanks for the thoughts.
I believe Hulda Clark that the parasites are the cause of the leasions in the brain and the spinal column. I am hoping that my cousin gets on board with Humaworm cleanse because she has MS and has two small girls to raise. I truly believe that parasites and pollution is the main reason that we are all getting sick. Donna
Yes, Clark does believe this...but is she right??? Man, couldn't it have been proven by now, what does she base her theory on, many people DIE of progressive MS every year, haven't autopsies ever been done that could show this???
Here is what I think and what I have seen through the years - some diseases are caused from parasites and some are not. A parasite cleanse is easy to do and might just be the answer - but then again it might not be. My advice is to cleanse the body - clean up the diet and try to be as stress free as possible.
I have seen parasite cleansing work miracles for folks who had been diagnosed with many different "diseases".