Started painting my fingernails again! After not using it for 2 years I am painting with
Lugol's Iodine. I call the color Pumpkin Potential. I also painted the inside of my wrist and woke up with what felt like a head cold. Slept 2 more hours and it was completely gone.
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Iodine is first aid for fingernails
Hints From Heloise
Syndicated columnist
A daily application of white
Iodine on your fingernails for one week will help strengthen them. After the first week, use only once a week. This is not a case of more is better – do not continue to use white
Iodine on your fingernails every day, or they will become too brittle. It might take several weeks to see any improvement if your nails are paper-thin from using a primer on them (for acrylics) or from being roughed up so the nail products would adhere better.
Since white iodine is relatively inexpensive and easy to use, it's the perfect "help" for soft, damaged fingernails. NOTE: Avoid using hydrogen peroxide (or anything containing it) while using white iodine – these two products "don't get along" and can cause your fingernails to turn orange. Also, clean an old fingernail-polish brush with polish remover, and use this to easily apply the iodine to your nails.
– Heloise