Nothing is as it seems to be and all things are subjective realties to the observer. Everything is relative to each person from the viewpoint of the only ultimate reality the First Cause, Ultimate, Divine Mind. There is no absolute time, time moves differently from one object to the next and in one location to the next. For example, time moves slower on massive objects like the Sun or Jupiter and faster on smaller objects like our Earth. It moves even minutely faster in space. This is no longer a theory, but proven fact. Extremely accurate precision atomic clocks on fast moving spacecraft have detected this strange phenomenon and proven Einstein’s theory of relativity to be true. Stop all the clocks in the universe and movement will continue unaffected. Stop all movement and the illusion we call time will stop and nothing ever happen again, unless Source again allows movement to begin again
Time is elastic with in one moment in only one direction, namely into future moment. The twin paradox describes what happens. One twin boards a spacecraft traveling close to the speed of light, on a voyage for Alpha Centauri, some four light years from earth. Ten years he returns having aged only one year compared to his now twenty-year-older twin brother. An enigmatic paradox but absolutely true and real. One exciting, but far distant use of this effect is the real possibility of reaching any moment in the future. Given enough speed, one could reach the Olympic Games of the year 2108, in a matter of a few subjective days. Backward times travel to the past, is a fantasy and if this were possible, a person could do the impossible and go back and murder their younger self. There is no universal now! Events are simply there, hanging in space-time Time cannot exist without space and space cannot exist without time. We only conceive of time by the movement of an object through space, so space and time are different realities of the same thing and can only exist where movement is allowed. For example, stop all movement in the universe and you have stopped time, have you not? Therefore, these three things are one spacetimemovement realty. There is simply no universal now and each moment is unique to the observer. God, however, observes our reality, , like unraveled frames of a movie story, depicting the life of the universe, from its birth until its demise like separate billions of moments, recorded on each frame of the film of existence..
By Alan McDougall 29/8/2007