Hi awhite
Can You Help Me to Find Out Why I've Had So Many Health Problems?
I would start by loving yourself just as you are. Give yourself a big hug and thank for body for what is still working.
Regarding the pains in the joints; I feel you may need to alter your life style a little. I would start by Joining a Yoga Class and start stretching your body and improving your flexibility.
I feel that you may have put on a little weight and may need to consider going to a body like Weight Watchers or Slimming World or another professional organisation that will give you the guidance you need to make the changes in your life style.
Change your diet to mainly fresh fruit and vegetables and take time for your Self to look within and appreciate what is working in your life.
I was once told a lovely story about this very old musician who was giving a lovely violin solo in a big auditorium, full to capacity with people waiting eagerly to here this famous musician play.
The old man struggled to get on the stage and took a few minutes to cross the stage to where he was to sit to pay his violin. He settled himself and the silence in the room built as he brought the bow up to the instrument and started to play.
Just as he was starting the opening bars there was a load bang and one of the strings on the violin broke. The audience gasped, as they where expecting him to get up, and struggle his way back to the dressing room to pick up a spare instrument.
But instead he put the instrument back under his chin and played the most heart-rending piece of music anyone had ever heard.
When he finished he got a huge standing ovation and as the clapping slowly grow quite he leaned close to the microphone and said: In life you have to use what is still working and allow your music to flow through you.
Therefore, I would like to ask you to take this musicians advice and make the most out of what you have left in your body that is still working and enjoy your life to the full.
It is never to late to realise your dreams. Take the time to dream and create through your imagination and then allow your energy to flow towards your dream.
While you are dreaming use all your senses to feel, touch, taste, hear and see all the qualities of your dream and aspirations. Then feel what it feels like to have achieved it already, feel the joy and hear the laughter and happiness.
Know that in this process you have already experience having your desire fulfilled. There is no separation you have achieve your goal; then see the whole universe working to bring your dream into reality.
You are truly blessed, love and light.