Hi Spiritgirlhere
As you have spirit in your name I will talk to you about using your own thought to clear this problem.
Remember that in every second and every day we have a field of all possibilities open to us. We can think any thought we like. We just need to empower ourselves and start to make it up.
If you are thinking a thought that makes you feel bad, change your mind, and think a thought that brings you Joy and Happiness.
The breath is a very good tool to work with when doing this. If we find that we are thinking thoughts that make you depressed, just take a deep breath and say the word “clear” and think again.
I learned this technique of Tobias of the Crimsoncircle. If you follow the link below and look for the recording names “Tobias Channel and Shoud” and listen to these. There is one made every month. if you look near the bottom of the page you will see the link to each months recording. You can also click on the word “read” also if you have problems listening to the recording.
You will learn techniques to expand who and what you think you are and release and relax your body, mind and spirit.
Love and Light