hello there, headcase:
>>This is an interesting idea for a forum.<<
thanks. i really love to talk about these magical synchronicities.
>> Do you suppose it's possible that synchronicities are supposed to be kept to oneself or it's bad luck? Sometimes I get that feeling. Also about dreams, and evil thoughts.<<
i felt that way long ago, but, no, i dont think so at all now. i've done a lot of study in those areas. in synchronicities, i think sharing them helps us all understand that there truly is a kind of magic in the universe that wants to help us. it behaves as if it is a conscious entity sometimes. as for dreams, i've also learned that we have a certain kind of dream so we *will* tell each other about them, especially if we dream of a famous person. as for evil thoughts, we all have them, though not everybody is willing to admit that ;-) it's part of being human.
>>One thing I think about a lot is if I am experiencing more synchronicities today than years ago because if the world is coming towards a moment of change (invoking the spiritual new age what the bleep do we know universe) then synchronicities will be happening more. <<
i agree with that totally. but it's also a personal message to us. i saw the BLeep movie and just loved it. i hope everybody in the world sees it. and i think the more we pay attention to synchronicities, the more we will have them. that's certainly been true in my life!
>>Sometimes I think I am experiencing much more in my life now than I used to. Then I get to thinking that I'm just looking harder (into a cave under the mountains).>>
congratulations! It's so inspiring to hear that you're having a richer life now than you used to. I wish that for everybody. I dont think it's your imagination. But I know how I used to feel when I first started off on the spiritual path. I had so many doubts about my experiences. But the more I travel on the spiritual path, the more I understand about how it all works and then I become more comfortable with my experiences. Even the great Dr Jung had a terrible time with his spiritual awakening, but he struggled through and overcame his fears. Then he wrote all those wonderful books to help us understand the process. He's one of my greatest teachers.
i hope you continue to share your thoughts and feelings about the meaningful coincidences in your life and whatever else you feel you'd like to share on your personal journey! ann