Please review the following post-
Somehow this post was switched to my user ID #.
Normally I would not go to the trouble of correcting this, except Spdina has decided to drag this poster through the mud based on this error.
I would very much like to get this issue cleared up. Could you please respond to this post and substantiate that there was a glitch, and the post content had changed from my original post?
*Edit* This is where I received the information regarding this post. I believe this poster is maligning the person whose name appears on this post, and can be construed as damaging to the name of this poster. For the record, I will give you the link, and copy of th post in case she decides to erase this.
Subject: Wow, she is very dedicated to sales isn't she!!!
Username: spdina contact spdina
Date: 11/16/2007 2:15:00 PM ( 170 min ago )
Hits: message viewed 38 times
Size: 4370 char. URL:
My #1 favorite post from Lynne the Executive of
Breast Cancer Choices:
Thank you. That is very encouraging about the UTI (and the
Iodine supplementation :-))
Do you mean the breastcancerawareness site? It think that's the name.
2nd favorite:
I've been watching you for awhile, and I've noticed that you put a great deal of energy into discussing the "personalities" of the VWT forum.
I've been on Curezone for awhile, and I can list many Owned Forums I will not visit. But I don't go around blasting the forum owners, nor do I go to their forums to argue with them. Do I think some things those forum owners say are stupid, or even dangerous? Yes I do. But I'm an adult, as are the majority of people here at CZ. People have to make up their own minds.
It's amazing how tenaciously, almost obssesively you are attacking the VWT Forum. I am not one of the so-called "cult" members mind you so I am not defending them. I'm just pointing this out to you as plainly as I can.
Part of curezone is to read things and disagree if you like, and there are appropriate ways to do that, and not so appropriate. I'm afraid you are starting to teeter towards a personal battle. They own the forum, and they are allowed to say and do as they please. And you sort of have to get over that.
3rd favorite:
I wonder who is protecting you?
Are people being made moderators without being told. It appears so.
Here are the rest:
You argue like a child. Completely unprofessional and emotional.
Sad really. Wombat is way out of your league and I have no idea why she even bothers answering your inanity.
Oh wait, maybe I do know why. Because she is passionately dedicated to her forum. She is passionate about helping other women. She cares and works hard. I guess that kind of dedication is confusing to you. She is not rude to anyone, except to those that personally attack her. A very human quality.
You are only passionate about listening to yourself complain. You love it, admit it!
And for the record...speedy. I can match, post for post, grammar for grammar, illogical and immature writing style of you and (speedy). Did speedy get banned? Hmmm. It's like the disgruntled ex-employee returning to do nothing but create trouble.
It's almost scary that you are talking about yourself in the third person..but very telling.
You fool no one. Duh.
in·an·i·ty Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-nan-i-tee]
–noun, plural -ties for 2. 1. lack of sense, significance, or ideas; silliness.
2. something inane.
3. shallowness; superficiality.
in·ane Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-neyn]
–adjective 1. lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly: inane questions.
2. empty; void.
–noun 3. something that is empty or void, esp. the void of infinite space
But if you prefer insanity, I can go with that too. See? You learned a new word today. Don't wear it out.
I rest my case.
I can't....aaargh. I've been high on LSD for the last 5 hours...woo hoo. Although enlightened I simply can't wrap my brain around that question.
March on Menelaus.
You know what Uniquity?...you have a terrible ego. That was just plain mean. I'm so glad you consider yourself one of the chosen people of which all knowledge is derived.
You know, I was going to start giving you the benefit of the doubt until I saw this last post. That was reprehensible. You should be ashamed.
Well, this executive sure does have a lot of time on her hands!!
Thank you.