Sunday morning - it's barely noticeable!!!! No pain at all. You have to really look to even see it. If you didn't know that it had been there, you would never spot it. This has taken less than a week, and I was told I had to wait until mid January to have it operated on. And I was in significant pain!!! The surgeon is a 3.5 hour drive for me. I would have had to stay overnight in a motel. Plus the cost of the procedure, and any subsequent follow up visits. Who knows what this might have ended up costing me. Let along the ugly scar it could have left. Plus I have been reading where some people end up with less wrist strength as a result of the surgery and wish that they had never done it.
This has cost me some castor oil and a little elastoplast (medical tape). Not to mention the satisfaction of healing it myself - on MY terms.....