I'm afraid that you are venturing into dangerous waters by using higher potencies of the homeopathic remedies.
For acute/chronic conditions I would use 30C potencies, usually by using liquid form of the remedies, not the pellets. The pellets have a lower rate of success. My use of homeopathy only uses only ONE dose of remedy for a condition summed by the totality of all symptoms present in the whole picture of the subject, not by the name of the disease.
Recently I treated a chronic condition of mine and used only one dose, and it was cured, with the only difference that there's a die-off period where I had to expel the toxic stuff that caused the condition.
The use of LM potencies are very rarely used in very very specific cases where regular 30C potency would not give the desired results. The use of LM potencies can be quite dangerous in sense that it can aggravate the condition if it's not picked correctly.
Find a classical homeopath which trained from the 6th edition of Organon of Medicine by Hahnemann. Also that classical homeopath should never give at all any form of combo remedies. And the classical homeopath should never give remedies based on the name of the disease.
Just my experience.