In general, having HSV1 genitally is preferable to having type 2 in the same location. As you mentioned, overall, you are less likely to have recurrances and those you do have are likely to be less frequent and less severe. It's just not a preferred location for type 1.
In other good news about genital HSV1, it is much more likely that potential partners will already have the same virus and will thus be "vaccinated" against any new infection from yours. Most of those people will have the virus orally, but the effect is exactly the same as far as the immune system is concerned.
In recent years, since good type determining tests have been availble, we've learned that about 1/3 of diagnosed genital herpes cases are due to the type 1 virus. Let's face it, oral sex is very popular, especially among the younger age demographic.
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Let me know if I can help further, too.