I've met my first goal! I had cutaneous(sp?) larval migrans. For anyone who doesn't know, these are hookworms specifically from an animal that penetrate your skin. However in humans they can't penetrate our base dermal layer, so they live in your skin for up to 3 or 4 months then die. These have never bothered me as much as my
Ascaris problem because I've known the hookworms would die eventually. However, it was VERY painful, because they basically eat their way around in there and I picked up a bunch of them. It's different in everyone, but in my case~ on the tops of both my hands, mainly my knuckles, I developed eczema and then fine, deep cuts emerged out of nowhere. I had at least a hundred cuts on my left hand, and several on my right. You could clearly see the paths the worm/worm larvae were taking. They'd just spiral around aimlessly. My knuckles were swollen and I couldn't bend my fingers without lots and lots of bleeding! (from my cuts) I couldn't even write long enough to take a test! (I'm 20,in college)
I wanted to post something on cutaneous larval migrans because I haven't found any info. about this particular subject on here. How I killed them~ I changed my diet and added stuff like pineapple, pumpkin seeds, thyme, cloves, ect. But only minor differences until one day I poured oil of oregano straight into the cuts. It burned like hell! They wiggled like crazy, they were p*ssed! Afterward, my cuts scabbed over for the first time (imagine what it's like having deep cuts that don't heal) and began to heal. I still had 1 or 2 on each hand, but I poured hydrogen peroxide directly in those and killed them as well.
Thank you to all of the frequent posters on curezone! I'm sure I'm missing quite a few, but people like shroom, jessiesmom, fledgling, boldyloxx (off the top of my head)~~ya'll are wonderful and an inspiration.
Now if only
Ascaris were so easy~ these things scare me