I found this interesting because the real issue in defining
Lugol's may be the constituent ingredients and not the dilution as such(Aqueous based Strong
Iodine vs Aqueous Based "not" Strong
Iodine i.e diluted_except for the constant of a proportional dilution..and then there is this:Dilution may further activate a substance potency rather than reduce it:http://jcrows.com/dilution.html)
One entry found for
Lugol's solution.
Main Entry: Lu·gol's solution
Pronunciation: lü-glz-
Function: noun
: any of several deep brown solutions of
Iodine and potassium
Iodide in water or alcohol that are used in medicine (as for the internal administration of iodine) and as microscopic stains -- called also
Lugol's iodine, Lugol's iodine solution
Lu·gol /l-gl/ , Jean Guillaume Auguste (1786-1851), French physician.
Lugol did research on skin diseases, scrofula, and the therapeutic use of iodine. He introduced Lugol's solution for the treatment of tubercular conditions, particularly scrofula, in 1829.