Hi iptumu,
Tony is out of town, so I will answer this one for you. Colloidal silver can be taken anytime. Its good to take probotics with it to keep that good bacteria going.
Hi iptumu,
To make sure I give you the correct reply, I have written to the owner of Utopia Silver, Ben Taylor. I will post his reply as soon as I receive it.
In the meantime, I just want to let you know that you cannot overdose on colloidal silver, so don't worry about that. Even if you consumed 50 times the recommended amount, it would not be wasted, as it would accumulate in the body's tissues in order to provide further benefits in the future.
Hello iptumu,
Okay, I heard from Ben. This is his reply.
Hi Luella,
Somehow I failed to answer your email; my apologies.
There is no certain effective amount for every person and every situation. One has to sort of figure out what works, starting with a minimal amount.
I have family and friends who have taken a couple of ounces per day for several weeks, but it usually does not take more than a week for colon issues.
For Argyria Info, go to, http://utopiasilver.com/faq/can-colloidal-silver-cause-argyria.htm
Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional,
preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness. You cannot take too much of colloidal silver. However, I do suggest that you take acidopholus with it to keep the beneficial bacteria in your body alive. I hope this helps. Hugs, Luella