Just over the recent weekend there came "news" that a few oil tankers full of oil have ruptured and spilled their oil into the ocean. One of these is said to have occured in/around Russia.
A person with their head screwed on straight might realize that, regardless of the present tides in "warming" speak, a cargo ship that's dumped thousands upon thousands of oil into the ocean might very well present an additional, significant problem for the collective enviornment to cope with.
A person who's head is not so securely fastened but is instead appropriately oriented, for instance, towards the mass media, might find themselves easily swayed, again, into believing that it is the collective, shameful humanity which they help make up, and not the relatively few titans of humanity (um, like multi-national corporate purveyors of combustible energy) that ultimately owns the blame for the above mentioned disasters perpetrated on the so-called warming enviornment. This raises a point; the disasters widly mentioned through mass media channels are one thing to be concerned with, but what about all the ones not being mentinoed? Anyway, after all, the benevolent multi-nationals are innocent in all of this warming noise, right? While they are still taking profit by the billions & trillions during these trying albeit warming times, are they not merely doing what they need to in order to bring to their masses of consumers of combustible engergy, to keep them happy, so that said masses of humanity can continue enjoying the powering of their lives as they know it by way of their motor vehicles, and soccer-mom vans, and air-or-bus-travelling sports franchises, and home heating/lighting, and factories where they go to work to earn the living necessary to afford things such in the first place, right? Besides, what is gonna happen to humanity's collective need to be plied with a warm & fuzzy feeling if & when warm is turned into the next Hitler du jour?.....cold & fuzzy just doesn't sound right.
This news may not have been mentinoed or unfolded for the consumers of news, but if one's plays out the theory of this warming noise to a logical conclusion, the modern fossil-feul-powered-machinery of humanity - for titans & peons alike, goes out like a string of old-fashioned Christmas tree lights.....the tvs, networks, satellites, cell-phones, movie houses, radio stations and printing presses too......at that point, how, pray tell, does a warming enthusiast and their puppeteers propose to remain up to date on however it may be that the warming saga continues to unfold after such a conclusion...... smoke signals? Sorry, burning has mostly been banned already. How about carrier pigeons? Sorry, for the most part they've already become extinct........ how about drums, will they still be available AND legal AND ethical with respect to said collective environment?