I just read an old post by GiGi,
and within it it says the parasites mate during a full moon. Has anyone noticed more die off around a full moon or X days after a full moon? One might think if the critters come out to "party" that maybe you would feel more die off then, or after a certain number of days when there are new babies. Just curious if I can expect more of a reaction at a particular time of month. It does make sense, especially if you look at human behavior, how women AND men may get more moody, or menstrual cycles may coincide, or the really odd people tend to come out of the woodwork, so to speak when there's a full moon. IF parasites are affected by the lunar cycle, maybe we'd feel worse then, or as the Humaworm works maybe it'd be doing more heavyduty work then. So, have any of you who have been doing Humaworm for a while noticed this, and if the timing isn't right at the full moon, then is it a particular amount of time after?