From the time iwas young,About 5Yrs.Old I Battled Weight.The First issue is the Blood.Everything your parent has in their blood,you have.#2.What ever you parent eats,they fed you.#3What ever parasites your parents had,you have,and so on.I know there are exceptions to the rules,so hear me out!Once a person gets overweight,They stretch their Stomach/colon/Intestines,Like blowing up a balloon.The first time,its hard to blow up, but from then on,it gets easier after that.So now the stomach mussels are weakened,creating a large storage TANK.Now,put that together with wrong diet,such as breads,which turn back to gouy dough,once in the stomach,only to start the clogging/Acid/parasite playground.Add our un-natural enviroment that causes and trains us to HOLD our BOWELL MOVEMENTS,VIA,Lack of restroom access.So we train ourselve to be a Human WAIST CONTAINER.NOW,as the stomach stretches,the playground is getting larger,and the parasites start controlling the HOST.And the host has lost control to consumption.You may say to yourself,im not going to over eat today,but as soon as you do,a un-natural drive comes on you,and BAM,the verry promise you made to yourself has been broken.Seems that any little situation can trigger this situation.It took me two years to get my weight under control in a Healthy Way.Yes,you can loose it faster,but only to Gain it back faster.LISTEN,this is the TRUTH FOR YOUR HEALTH.The Body Is balanced.A HEALTHY weight loss should be 7 to 10 lbs. a month.Water loss will come Fast and First.AHH yea,Feeling GOOD,BRAGGING RITES,IVE lost 3 or 5 or 10 LBS. in a week.But now here comes trouble.The PLATUE.Another week goes by and the scales are not moveing.Remember,the body is balanced,so during this PLATUE,If you'll hang in there,The body is burning the stored fat out of the liver.Once the Fat balance comes down in the liver,then the weight/scales will start going down again.The liver stones are nothing but FAT/Cholesterol being stored.I call it,The Human GREESETRAP{parasite playground}.So first,Start Cleaning the COLON,Second,Start Killing the PARASITES,THIRD,START removeing the LIVER STONES/FAT out of the liver,and so on with the other internal cleanses.As the colon stays clean,the parasites Die OFF,The FAT MELTS out of the liver,Then,And only then,Can you Become Honest with Yourself,when you make commitment to control your Diet.And Food/PARASITES no longer have POWER Over YOU.I lost almost 100 LBS.,My eyes Glow,My Hairs Growing Back,MY nails are clear,BACK problems GONE{THANK GOD}.IM 42 yrs.old and as healthy as I was at 22.There is much more Detail that I will Talk about later in my write-ups.P.S.2 YRS NOW and still expelling parasites,Its a war,They are hard to kill,There are many types,and if your overweight,You 100% have them.So dont kid yourself.STEVEN WEST