free yourself of your 'ego' and you will know the timelessness of god...
which is the timelessness of "NOW"...
if you will but look within... you should discover that there is "no" thing there...
but this discovery will not come by way of thought... because thought is the arsenal of the 'ego'... and... the hilarious irony is that the 'ego' does not exist... it only exists in ones mind... it is only a mental construct... it is no more than a character we play... or the character that we would wish others to see us as...
Shakespeare said: "the whole world is but a stage and each man an actor"... from that... i would assume he knew about the 'ego'... lol... ;-)
one can only find truth through silence... and silence can only happen when the mind is still... which means silencing conscious and unconscious thoughts... and if and when you reach this point... you will become aware... aware that "AWARENESS" will always be found in the "NOW"... never will it be found dwelling in the past or the future... that is only a game to be played by the 'ego'...
there is only peace to be found when one becomes rooted in silence... and drops all the pretentiousness of the 'ego'... and silence can only be found in the "NOW"...
for the 'ego' cannot exist in the "NOW"... it needs thoughts to exist... and it feeds itself by projections into the past or future...
after all... who am i...???
am i my name... no... i can change my name...
am i my body... no... our cells are constantly being replaced by new ones...
am i my mind... no... my mind is merely a god given tool...
am i my thoughts... no... thoughts come and go...
well... who am i then...???
am i aware... yes...
am i awareness... no... but i can be one with awareness...
didn't mean to write a book...
just a few thoughts that i hope may help you...
"it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood"...