I don't buy much of that...
There are some chemical contaminants that do indeed evaporate and are collected in distilled water unless it's filtered too. Water purified by a reverse osmosis and filter system is purer than water purified by distillation alone. That's why you see health food stores selling water purified by reverse osmosis and not distillation.
Water purified by a Berkey system with the Black Berkey filters and fluoride removing post filters is very pure except for some organic trace minerals that make the water tastier IMHO. Inorganic minerals and even chemicals that can't be removed by distillation are removed by the extremely effective Black Berkey filters. I can't believe distilled water will not mix with minerals from food in your digestive tract. That sounds a little "out there" to me. I'm betting the "information" posted is from a doctor paid by a manufacturer of water distillers. It's very natural for water to contain some organic trace minerals your body needs. Water is never stripped of all mineral content in nature.