I'm a 21 years old student and I recently moved to Japan for my studies.
For about 2 or 3 months now I've been suffering with insomnia that has gotten increasingly worse.
For example at first I'd wake up a few times at night, go to the bathroom and get back to sleep easily.
Now I can sometimes fall asleep very quickly and sleep very well for an hour or 2, but then I wake up and it's extremely difficult to get back to sleep or to stay asleep for a long period of time.
I've been to the doctor and he gave me a medication called "myslee" (called Ambien in the US) which is basically just strong sleeping pill. But I don't want to be on that stuff forever so I dont want to get more now that I finished all the pills.
I dont smoke, nor do I drink coffee or alcohol. And I've heard all those little "tips" like sleep in a dark room, use earplugs, (I've been using eaplugs for years and still do and I dont intend to stop), dont eat large meals before bed, etc... but I still can't sleep.
I've heard that it could have something to do with my levels of Serotonin which can get depleted when big changes happen in somebody's life (ex: moving to japan). This can cause symptoms like insomnia, lack of hunger, no more enjoyment of things you liked to do, depression, etc. And that certain kind of anti depressors can help with that(even when not depressed).....
HOWEVER I would like to keep drugs as a last resort from now on (no more sleeping pills) so basically I was wondering if anybody had their insomnia cured by acupuncture.