10,745 subscribers (coming soon) 10/26/07
10,070 subscribers 116,343 total visitors 10/25/07
9,035 subscribers 94,533 total visitors 10/24/07
8,132 subscribers 80,415 total visitors 10/23/07
7,237 subscribers 65,534 total visitors 10/22/07
5,847 subscribers 49,005 total visitors 10/21/07
4,654 subscribers 33,021 total visitors 10/20/07
3,701 subscribers 22,663 total visitors 10/19/07
2,101 subscribers 8,427 total visitors 10/18/07
I think that the 5th of September one time gift is a great idea - and so in the continuing the weekly Ron Paul Moneybomb. I have links to both of them, as well as Ron Paul videos, voter registration and the official RonPaul2008 website at the webpage I devoted to endorsing and supporting Ron Paul:
One problem I have is setting either an upper or lower limit on giving. A person who can only afforct $10 should give as proudly, if not more so, that a person who gives $100 but could easily afford twice as much or more.
Give what you can - no matter the amount - and keep giving.
It is time that "we that people" bought an election for us instead of sitting back and watching special interests and the elite buy yet another one for "them".