You are likely low in magnesium. When you take high doses of ES, they draw water into the intestines, resulting in a kind of diarrhea. This water also carries electrolytes out of the body. Magnesium is one of the electrolytes (the other main electrolytes are calcium, potassium and sodium.
Try taking maintenance doses of magnesium oxide. I noticed the same thing happening to me, and I took the following: 3 days before, 1 500 mg pill. 2 days before, 1 500 mg pill in the morning and one at night. The day before, 1 with each meal. The day of the flush, just one in the morning. When I did my next flush, I had lots of bms.
I can't say what worked for me will work for you, but it's worth a shot.
Between flushes, you could add a 1/4 tsp of ES to every 2 liters (8 cups) of your daily drinking water, or a pinch to your food at mealtimes (you won't taste the ES) and this will help maintain levels of magnesium in your body.
Good luck!