I knew I had read something about flu jabs on curezone, (I've never had one), so before answering your question I did a quick search on 'flu jab' and in the first post I read, it contained this sentence:
" Some flu vaccines contain up to 25 micrograms of mercury per dose, five times the maximum amount judged safe by the CDC for a 110 lb. person"
Vaccines may not contain antibiotics, but they do contain other 'chemicals', I understand that not all vaccines have mercury, but then do we know what they do contain instead?
The post also says that the flu jab is an added strain on one's immune system.
In fact to save you having to go to it I have posted it below:
I havent even started to glance at the rest of the results the search brought up, this post is at the top of the list. This person is replying to someone who has severe neck pain, which she seems to recall began shortly after her first flu jab.
this is the url to go to to read it:
by Ev
I'm very sorry that you are suffering.
First off, I would suggest never getting another shot period. It actually attacks your central nervous system and your immune system. It is very dangerous to submit your body to the risks, as they out weigh the benefits.
Then I would start with lifestyle changes, go over your diet with fine tooth comb, and omit any foods that are harmful, such as excessive sugar, white flour foods, processed/prepackaged foods. You will probably want to adopt a whole foods diet with a lot of fruits and veggies.
Cleanse your body! I provided links below that explain liver cleansing and whole body cleanses.
Here is an exerpt from
on the flu vaccine:
How Safe Are Flu Vaccines?
During 2001-2002, Aventis Pasteur Ltd. distributed approximately 7.3 million doses of Fluzone® and Vaxigrip®, and Shire Biologics distributed approximately 2 million doses of Fluviral S/F®. During this time, Shire Biologics produced a new Fluviral® S/F. The product information sheet indicates that, the vaccine contains "purified portions of the virus", is "inactivated with formaldehyde, and also contains 0.01% thimerosal (a mercury derivative) as a preservative, trace residual amounts of egg proteins, deoxycholate and/or Polyethylene Glycol p-isooctylphenyl Ether (Triton X-100)." Some flu vaccines contain up to 25 micrograms of mercury per dose, five times the maximum amount judged safe by the CDC for a 110 lb. person.(2)
Mercury alone makes the flu shot UNSAFE FOR PREGNANT WOMEN.The safest and most effective methods of flu prevention are frequent hand washing and a healthy lifestyle.(9)
Between September, 2001 & March, 2002, Health Canada received 1,800 reports of adverse reactions to flu vaccines in the form of "oculo-respiratory syndrome" (ORS) defined as "onset of bilateral red eyes and/or respiratory symptoms (cough, wheeze, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness or sore throat) and/or facial swelling occurring within 24 hours of influenza immunization."(10)
Flu vaccines are cultured in chicken embryo. This means that people who are allergic to egg and/or chicken can become seriously ill. All viral vaccines contain not only the particular strains of virus but they also contain traces of leukemia virus and other cancer-associated viruses. These are not completely removable. They exist in the chicken from which these eggs are taken and although it is claimed to be 98% purified, 2% of several billion viruses is still an awful lot of cancer and leukemia dangers.(11)
According to Dr. J. Seal, of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: "Any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillain-Barre." In the Swine flu vaccine disaster of 1976, over 500 people in the U.S. were paralyzed by the disease, with 30 dying after being injected with the vaccine. Other problems associated with flu shots are paralysis, memory loss, itchy rashes, and chronic fatigue.(12)
The possibility of Alzheimer's disease increases with each yearly shot.(13)
I provided a link to look at another article regarding the flu shot.
Influenza Facts
I hope this helps you to decide.
I personally could not advise you as to whether or not you should have the flu jab. I'm not qualified to do so.
Personall though, I have never had a flu jab, I have never really seen the point, even way before my health deteriorated and also after it deteriorated, after all it means allowing someone to inject you with the very thing you dont actually want to be infected with.