Hi Beth: Yep, I'm a chiropractor. Nope, I don't take x-rays anymore. Stopped about 5 years ago. I've been doing this for way too long and pretty much know what I'm going to do when they walk in the door.
The pounding is the drop pieces of the Thompson table. Sounds terrible but it doesn't hurt at all. A lot less painful than the ole "rack em and crack em" of years past. But I know a lot of other ways if you don't like the Thompson table.
Office hours??? Lets see if I can remember. Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 to 6. Two hours for lunch at 1 PM. Tuesday 10 to 1. Saturday 10 to 12. Thats it. Don't add those hours up.
Hey, if you're in the area, stop in. I'll even give you a free adjustment.
Office phone: 616-866-1527