Tyler Durden
Anyone heard of this? I haven't previous to getting a flyer in the mail about it, just about to throw it out as junk mail when I noticed it was about Iodine. Google'ing it yielded some information including this
It's basically colloidal
Iodine mixed with a couple homeopathic ingredients. Looking through this flyer (and taking it with a grain of salt), some things that stood out:
"Fast fact: the daily dose of fluoride ingested by people in fluoridated communities (2.3-4.5 mg/day) actually exceeds the amount of fluoride known to depress your thyroid gland (1.6-6.6 mg/day)"
Also talks a little about topics this board has also discussed- chlorine, bromine et al binding to the
Iodine receptors, the best way to rid the body of these = increased
Iodine intake, goitrogens found in soy products and estrogen/estrogen like compounds known to interfere w/ the binding of thyroid hormones to their receptors
table salt not the answer because it contains chlorine which competes with I
Iodine needed to produce every hormone in the body
Immune system must have it to function properly
Deficiency can lead to autoimmune disease(s)
Iodine is antibacterial, parasitic, and viral, has anti-cancer properties
Anyone using this or heard about it?