My 9yr old dog is approx. 65lbs. She eats a healthy clean high meat no grain diet. Has not been immunized since she was 2 yrs old. She has been physically healthy all her life; but has always had a strange undiagnosed noise sensitivity. She started having seizures in July, had to be rushed to the emergencey and was dianosed with Immune Mediated Meningoencephalitis. (I have a hard time believing her immune system is turning on her body though)
She was put on Prednisone and because I didn't like the side effects, switched to Cyclosporine. Both are immune suppressors and both are ugly drugs.
First I took her off the prednisone, then the cyclosporine and finally seizure medicine by the end of August. she was so happy and appeared healthy, was having fun etc... but last week, Oct 5th she had a relapse. Prior to the relaspse she had about 4-6 small seizures between mid September and the end of the month.
This last episode happened when I drove the dogs to colorado where the altitude probably aggrevated the condition and she had full blown seizures and had to be rushed to the hospital again. She is back on Prednisone and Cyclosporine. Since the Prednisone reduced the inflammation she thankfully has not had more seizures.
I am looking for an intense protocal for her. Suggestions for therapeutic doses to relieve the inflammation, balance her immune system especially if it is attacking itself and get her off of these horrible drugs.
I have heard about plant sterols, zeolite, MSM, Transfer Factor, the use of high doses of vitamin C, etc... I just do not know how to use these for her considering her condition and the medications she is on.
If you cannot guide me, please please tell me who might be able to. Feel free to forward or share this post.
Thank you for your time.