Stealing the election - the Ron Paul Media blackout conspiracy
The media conspiracy to trivialize and bury Ron Paul continues unabeted and reached new heights in the aftermath of the Michigan Debate.
According to an MSNBC online poll participated by over 16,000 people, Texas Congressman Ron Paul won the GOP Michigan debate in a landslide.
Sister-station, CNBC, who hosted the debate also had an online poll but they, like Pajamas Media, took it down when they saw that the most conservative congressman in office was winning by such a wide margin.
When asked who they thought was standing out from the pack, Paul, who favors the legalization of marijuana, the abolition of Income Tax, and for Presidents to be forced to declare war through Congress before bombing and invading other countries, received 83% of the online vote.
On the question of which candidate shows the most leadership qualities, the only GOP candidate who agrees with the majority of the US population in saying that the troops in Iraq should be brought home immediately, Paul got 81% of the vote.
Critics poo-poo the results claiming that Paul supporters "spam" these polls. Fox News host Sean Hannity, upon hearing that Paul had won the Fox News debate told his viewers that they were cheaters, despite the fact that it was a text poll meaning there could only be one vote per cell phone.
Paul didn't get as many chances to speak as some of the more mainstream candidates, but every time he did, the crowd in the University Center applauded. At the end of the debate, a faculty panel conducted a straw poll of the audience. Paul got 49 percent. Romney came in a distant second with 13 percent.
And yet, when you look at the media coverage the next day, Paul gets barely a mention at best - a theme that has been repeated this year in debate after debate. This NY Times article is typical:
Romney and Giuliani Spar as New Guy Looks On
Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts tangled over taxes and government spending yesterday as the Republican presidential candidates debated in Michigan, highlighting the way in which their increasingly fierce confrontation is starting to dominate the race for their party’s nomination.
The ONLY mention of Paul in the story:
Representative Ron Paul of Texas said he would absolutely consult Congress and belittled Mr. Romney’s answer. “This idea of going and talking to attorneys totally baffles me,” Mr. Paul said. “Why don’t we just open up the Constitution and read it? You’re not allowed to go to war without a declaration of war.”
Ron Paul continues to be among the top fund raisers despite receiving only small contributions from individuals. He is the top recipient of donations by far from our armed forces. Paul also has a better record by far in the combined debate and straw polls totals and in head to head matches. And yet he is ignored and trivialized - getting fewer questions and more attacks at each debate and being vicitimized by a virtual blackout in the media after each debate.
This begs the question: what are they afraid of? It is no secret that the virtually all major media in the United States is now controlled by six corporations, and those corporations are controlled by individuals tied to the push for a North American Union and ultimately a one world government New World Order. It is this same group that includes those who would restrict our access to natural supplements and alternative medicine to the point of making it ineffective while also removing it as a threat to the world pharmaceutical empire.
If the media and the powers behind them perceived Paul as only a minor threat, they could subtly downlplay his message and popularity - but this is an all out whitewash of the truth! And if you look at what he stands for, maybe you can see how his plans to return us to a Federal Republic where the government serves the people instead of vice-versa has them so concerned. Ron Paul could set back fully a hundred years of losses of our liberty and government encroachment on what should be our basic freedoms that were established by our founding fathers.
Clearly "they" are very afraid of Ron Paul - and that just might tell us that this election just might offer us the best chance ever to secure our liberty and freedoms, including the freedom to decide how to wish to address or own health issues, for generations to come.
It might also be our last chance.
Just received this email I thought I would pass along:
Dennis Lee, CEO of the several companies seeking to bring you free electricity, was moved to write the following comments, after watching this well done video - on Ron Paul. Dennis added his comments near the bottom of the page on the left hand side. Watch this great Ron Paul video, and if so moved, pass it on to everyone you know:
Annotated below:
Dennis Lee wrote on October 13th, 2007 5:12 pm
I’ve never voted, because never before has there been an American running for President.
Finally, after over two decades of waiting, I can vote.
A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for the US Constitution. He’s the only presidential candidate encountered in my lifetime, who’s proven he’ll really defend it!
A vote for anyone else is a chance to demand liberty lost and a vote thrown away. All of the other candidates advance corporate America’s agenda and support the loss of our sovereignty and the nation of our founding fathers. There is no other choice of candidates who’ll defend our liberty and our inalienable rights as free men and women!
Why vote for a selfish traitor who has sold out his (or her) own people when the “real deal” is on the ticket? To vote for anyone else running is like voluntarily voting for your executioner rather than your liberator!
See the video here: