Several people at bad breath forum got theirs removed and still have bad breath. I urge you to try Lugol's iodine solution in water daily instead and save yourself a long life of health problems induced by invasive surgery. I know you have been through a lot of protocols that don't work, but surgery will not cure your halitosis. Champex and Odor Cleanse mushroom extracts work too. The iodine will kill the pathogens in the mouth and throughout the body and the mushroom extract cures halitosis too--research proves it. Check out and read what it does for bad breath and body odor.
I really hope you don't have this surgery. It will not help the odour. Sorry to be a downer.
And Username: #65058 10/08/2007
says bad breath cleared up after 4 days of Odor Cleanse.
Someone else on this forum has better breath now with Odor Cleanse or Champex, don't remember who. Sorry there are a lot of messages to go through.