I have IT service for home once again, it's dial up and it's slow as watching paint dry, but at least it's here home with me:)
Wanted to show off the cute little pumpkin avatar I found here. BTW, I'm off 2 weeks of my thyroid meds..and loving it! Taking my
Lugol's everyday, painting some on my thyroid, moles and breasts sometimes.
I've had plenty of energy (more than ever actually) to do the cleaning, painting, upkeep, and upgrades on my son's house I moved into to care for him. I think I found
Iodine at just the right time! Well..I really wish I'd found it loooong before this, but I'm happy to just have found this place, you guys, and Iodine!
I am reading your posts, even if I'm not posting in reply. I have been sending people right and left to this forum, I hope they are showing up to read at least.