MH 108
The skin may be an iron problem as well as selenium, most people in this world are lacking both and it shows up in the skin, especially the face. The FACE never lies and a good MD never needs to take your cloths off to examine you, your problems all show up in the face.
Actually, this could happen! ONE DOCTOR FOR ALL THE WORLD! Submit a close up picture of the face and the doctor could prescribe the same cure for all and do better than any doctor in this world and the close up pictures taken weekly could show the results and if done correctly, everyoen would always look age 22 for life and the earth would over populate. So the ones who RULE, do everything the opposite, they do not want so many people.
The skin is a mirror of the oragans, so that is why the face is all that is needed. One cure, cures all and no faces needed, each cleanse will aid in restoring the youth. No quick fixes, it has all to do with that bad word called diet.
Human foods cleanse, all other foods pollute. FRUITS, not vegetables or dairy or meat. ONLY fruits cleanse and make an alkaline stomach. IF a liquid is needed, it is water H2O, not H2O plus anything else, just distilled water which is the true H2O.
A little herbs to keep the parasites away and we are good to go. If our fruits are lacking iron and selenium, a few herbs come to the aid or deep ocean salts.