I know people come on the forum often enough to give you props, and while I was going to give you props after you taking the time to post about garlic and dogs and fleas in response to my question, I now have to give you quadruple props after reading a post on the aharleygirl/dr.morales fiasco on the amalgam replacement related forums.
It is SO easy to have a sick person or even a mildly unwell person give you their money. What is harder is to provide a quality product, stay patient when people ask redundant questions (occasionally guilty of that myself), and calmly handle the few people who have problems with HW products (the very few!)
I researched Humaworm along with a lot of other products, trying to figure out what would be best for me when I initially started trying to get away from being a normal (read: unhealthy) American. The time and effort and inexpensiveness was what got me (although, I was worried that such an inexpensive product wouldn't help.) I did notice small changes after taking humaworm; however, the lasting effect was that even when I'm not taking humaworm, I still check out the forum to see what's going on and to learn something new.
It is hard to trust in an online format because so much of our falsehood detectors are based on vocal or face-to-face contact. You, and a handful of others (like wombat, invincible, trapper, and mamacrow) are people who's advice I trust hands-down...and even if it was not completely right (which hasn't happened with you) or some advice didn't work for me like it did for others, it never makes me doubt or lose respect for you.
So, in the light of such a heinous insult to the trust CZ engenders between its members, I want to put the light back on the people who we can trust, and who really only want to help people.
Thank you, not only for being knowledgeable, which is essential obviously, but thank you moreso for your patience and your trustworthiness.