Hi Humaworm....hope that you and your's are well, I have just made an order for a thirty day cleanse. Just a few things really and I am asking here as I could not email you direct from your site for some reason, so the things were. The site was so well set up that I just went and it was all done in seconds and that was it...I went through paypal. The thing is I do not remember doing a shiping this because paypal already has my address and knows where to send to ? The other thing was I sent a post about a week ago asking could I have the herbs with out the estrogenic herbs and you said that you would make them up speacial for me with out the estrogen herbs and specially for liver fluke, this is really importent for me because I have leant from experience that anything with estrogen really makes things worse for please please please Mr Humaworm don't forget and thank you thank you thank you for being so kind.
Also last but not least I could not believe how reasonable the price is!!! I f you can make me better Mr Humaworm I will love you forever...Best Thought's Moonie