Relax.. No point of going or finding someone else if only Candida is an issue. I also have the one (I guess) so I will give u three possible ways to cure it.
1) go for candida cleanse for at least a month (find in the net candida cleanse diet or something like that and follow it).
2) Again in the net I have found that coconut oil can help u with it. U need to take 4 table spoons of it for several weeks and as soon as u feel better then go for couple of weeks or so but taking just 2 table sppons of it.
3) Somer recomended me one day to go for a 10 days GREEN juice fasting to cure my possible candida. U need to stick to mostly vegies (try to awoid fruits at all). If u need a sweet fix then Sommer recommended to use GRANNY SMITH apples for
juicing (but from time to time). Also she recommended to drink, again for a 'sweet fix' one spoon of Black Strap Molasis delutied in a warm or hot water (organic one). Drink 3-6 (or more) cups of juice WITHOUT a pulp every day. Keep juice, the one u will juice in advance to drink throught a day in air tight containers.
Water fast? I think there is no problem with it as well. But if u work then may be better to have a juice fasting instead.
Good luck!.. :))