molly bloom
What OP does in fact is remove harmful bacteria from your mouth, bacteria that cannot be removed by conventional means. There are some bacteria that are attracted to oil and the acids in some oil. This explanation mainly comes from one of my Dad's friends who is a well know chemical biologist.
As I've said before, they have linked gum disease to organ and heart failure. People have been known to have heart attacks after dental work. Perhaps disease after major dental work is more common than we know, it's just not been put together for reporting purposes.
OP kills those bacteria that can form in the gums, to cause the gum disease, to inhabit your system. It's quite logical. And if this bacteria was a daily continuous event, then eventually your body would not be able to fight the onslaught. Human bites can be as dangerous as or even more dangerous than animal bites because of the types of bacteria and viruses contained in the human mouth.
Now, the other part of OP is very interesting. You are very efficiently absorbing the EFA's sublingually. Apparently they use oil enhancers to add to medications to allow for better absorbtion of sublingual medicine. We are deficient in essential fatty acids. OP is your delivery system, better than eating it.