I am so bummed that u banned me from your forum, although I can say I desevered it! I was PEEE-Diddly-ISSED off at the time...unreasonably so?? perhaps. However, in my defense I will say that I had not been to CZ in a while and did not realize people were communicating with video it was so foreign and disorienting. And well needless to say I was unprepared and took strong offense (u r forgiven;) ) All I had was strong detox and severe anger and I did lash out and that I do truly regret most especially with Wombat( you really do help many). As for Vulcanel I only wish I would have spoken your language.... to express how I really felt about you at the TIME. Since I did not get to then I will now, and so this is exactly how I felt that night.
I see no need to apologize to these bullies! I saw the debate and they where every bit as unreasonable as any one , they have bulllied every one who ever disagreed with them ! This is why there are like three or four Iodine forums!
Like a gang in the ghettoes they forced thier views on everyone and bullied and belittled all who opposed them! Then they had the small mindedness and lack of character to ban you ! They should be apologizing to you ! I wouldnt give any of them the time of day!