i dont have to do much these days. people naturally learn and then yearn to express what they have learned to others, perhaps as a tool for more learning or a self test or just as i have done, out of appreciation for what has been gained personally.
the coolest forums are in the top ten. i suppose it goes with the territory.
btw, i have been banned from the
Iodine support forum for directing someone over here who could not find much info there. it was ana and whoever mods that place.
Subject: Trapper, don't peddle your forum here.
Username: Ana
Date: 9/26/2007 5:45:21 PM ( 33 min ago )
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Trapper, the only reason you come over here is to peddle your forum. This forum is a place for those who want to get away from the VWT influence. Please stop coming over here just to drop your web link.