Informed people also also know that the media in U.S.A. is collectively owned and very rigidly controlled by a small syndicate consisting of 6 mega-corporations: Westinghouse/Viacom-CBS; General Electric - NBC; News Corp - Fox; Disney - ABC/ESPN; Time/Warner/AOL - CNN. Go down the list of investors partly owning stock in any of these and you will find A) inter-locking directorates out the wazoo that connect directly to the highest offices of every major institution in this land; B) numerous other tools of the MIC far beyond G.E., to include powerhouses like the Carlysle Group. Go down the list of contributors to that nest and you will eventually realize that the media is effectively owned by the CIA. The next obvious question is - who owns the CIA?
That's six entities with near-total control of all information released into the mainstream concsiousness made up of 300,000,000 potential consumers of same. The control starts with control over the apparatus that beams all that it does out of those sparkly boxes owned & operated in nearly every household in this country. Those 6 entities also own every major newspaper, magazine, publishing house, record-label, movie-house and amusement / "theme-park" to be found from N.Y.C. to L.A and from the I35 bridge in Minnesota to the Epcot Center in FLA.
As such informed people know by implication that Larry Silverstein's admission on 091101 was no accidental blip that snuck through this, total, comprehensive, locked-down, blacked-out censoring system of it's own volition. Those kinds of glitches just do not happen anymore. On a decreasing basis, there may still be seen the occasinal stray blip that lasts no more than a few seconds to perhaps 5 minutes or so of inconvenient information leaking out into the public before the CIA/NSA/HSA drones on-staff at every broadcast studio in this country are able to react and scramble the feed . Silverstein's "let's just pull it" act was no such blip, it was a lengthy, drawn out, dramatic media presentation that an informed person must eventually conclde was allowed to happen.... made to happen.
After having time to contemplate the collective overload of information surrounding that day, informed people may very well arrive at asking themselves - why? To what end was that one particular media event produced & fed to us in the way that it was? While pondering why the monopoly media was contrived to frame & dangle that particular nugget before the viewers eyes, remember it was the same collective media who - quite possibly due to inconvenient accident, across parts of CORRECTION Southern Ohio, reported over the course of about 5 minutes, right around CORRECTION 11:00 A.M. (give or take 10 minutes or so) on 091101, that Flight 93 had landed safely in Cleveland but there was fear it contained a bomb on board. This blip resulted in this news being reported live over the air, with one of those revolving text banners at the bottom of the screen that continually flashed the info bytes "Flight 93 landed at Clevelan/Hopkins, this has been confirmed by United Airlines", and to top off this blip, it contained the report that the Mayor of Cleveland was announcing this very same news via a haphazardly arranged press converance. That particular blip then quietly evaporated into the great, wide, mysterious ether, having been aired only that one time as best as I can piece together. It was reported just once - the live report, lasted about 5 minutes, never to be rebroadcast again, which is to say it was not a lengthy news piece rebroadcast multiple times the way Silverstein's act had been, and it certainly was not rebroadcast saturation-style the way countless dramatic video images had been replayed for weeks and months after that day.
Strangely enough, it would be another 2-plus years (nearly 3) for the Fox affiliate responsible for broadcasting that news to quietly, surrpetitiously, revise their web-version of the article of that same story- READ: delete it. In the process of that web-article being deleted, there really was no substitute to speak of put in it's place, nor was there any explanation for why the story had been yanked....CORRECTION..."that previously confirmed report was later determined to be unfactual", , nor was there any information included with the revised version that attempted to explain if or how the previously confirmed acknowledgement from United Air having become subsequently de-unconfirmed. This might cause an informed person to wonder - if Flight 93 being landed in Cleveland approximately between 10:00 and 11:00 A.M., what, pray tell, was made to cause that somewhat large burned out crater mostly devoid of human and or machine wreckage near Shanskville Shanksville..... and what caused the debris field strewn upwards to 6 miles in, around and beyound Shanksville?; "let's roll" ... Flight 93 confirmed landed in Cleveland has now been shoved down the memory hole.