Moderator Caveat - While the link below contains a good explanation on the SWF personally I don't agree with using the SWF on a daily basis when eating regular like described in the link below as I believe that it will wash out some of the beneficial intestinal flora and and possibly cause dehydration if you are not drinking half your body weight in oz of water daily. Please use caution and common sense if you decide to follow the links advice when eating normal and more so if you suffer from high blood pressure. If for whatever reason or you are not really well hydrated and your body does retain salt this can cause serious spikes in your BP. I also believe that the SWF has a great potential to be abused as there is a tendency to abuse the Salt Water Flush by those who are constipated and so encouraging them to do this daily instead of encouraging them to eat properly, to exercise and to stimulate their body to function better is a disservice...
Hey Rick,
“Isn’t salt bad for you?” The salt water solution is the same specific gravity (the same salt content) as the rest of the saline based fluids of the body. It therefore passes out of the alimentary canal without being absorbed or retained."
The above quote comes from article at this site:
It explains the salt water flush for you...
Good luck with your cleanse...