Apple pectin- (especially from raw organic or home-grown apples fresh off the tree) is awesome for cleaning out the body- so too raw apple cider vinegar.
And if you have petroleum solvents and other man made chemicals in your body- you have stuff in your lungs and, most likely your liver has alot of it lodged throughout the liver-- from trying to do it's job in detoxing you from all that man made crap.
After colon cleansing, I'd reccomend a batch of three
Liver Flushes spaced every other weekend. (Saturday into Sunday) This will dislodge any stones created , free up the liver and wash out alot of stored toxins.
Start eating more raw fruits and veggies too- they also have a cleansing effect in the body provided they are free of pesticides. (I even wash my organic purchased veggies with a natural based veggie wash, because some truckers spray even organic produce in the trucks so they don't rot while they are shipping them cross Country.
Drink alot of non toxic water with little unrefined
Sea Salt added to help flush the cells of toxins.
Allow your body to get enough sleep and make sure to get fresh air in your lungs daily --to help the lungs heal. There are many herbs that are good for cleaning out lungs, -- causing you to cough up alot of stored mucous from the lungs. Barefoot Herbalist uses them in his Air Restore product.
Give the body more anti-oxidants on a daily basis- and more natural based minerals, because it needs this to restore from the past damage and reverse any damaged cells, etc.
Avoid anything petroleum based from here-on-in. To give your body a chance to recoup and restore-- in your case, I would stay away from even innocent household products and body toiletries with anything mineral oil and petroleum based . Id use simple natural alternatives.
Your body will heal itself, while you give it room to do so