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Lemon & Olive oil drink

Flush and Detox Liver and Gallbladder daily, if you are underweight or have gallstones

Gallstones Cleanse


Lemon & Olive oil drink can be taken daily.

To make this you need one organic/unwaxed lemon one table spoon of Extra virgin olive oil, a glass & a half of clean spring water or filtered if available tap water.

Wash the Lemon, cut out any dark bits, then roughly chop the whole thing including the rind & put in a blender.
Add the table spoon of Virgin Olive oil & the glass & a half of water - blend this for 60 seconds - strain & serve.

If you wish to gain weight split the drink into three portions & drink with each meal throughout the day.

This drink manages to restore the Ph of your saliva which in turn helps you to absorb the nutrients from the food you eat.
If drunk all in one go first thing in the morning (an hour before eating) it will flush & detox the Liver & Gallbladder.

Gallstones Cleanse




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