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Shark Cartilage

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Cartilaginous skeleton of sharks appears to contain the substance that makes sharks immune to cancer   by #56153   19 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Marine biologist Dr. Carl Luer has tried unsuccessfully for years to grow transplanted cancer cells in sharks.

One of the major differences between sharks and higher vertebrates like fish and mammals is that a shark's skeleton is composed entirely of cartilage and contains no true bony tissue. It is this cartilaginous skeleton that appears to contain the substance that provides sharks with their immunity to cancer.

Until recently the usual dosage of shark cartilage for an adult was fifteen 740-mg capsules daily, taken orally, and administered in three doses of five capsules each. The capsules should be taken on an empty stomach about thirty minutes before meals so that the digestive acids in the stomach don't destroy the active ingredient.

The promising new findings about the effectiveness of high-dosage shark cartilage administered as a rectal retention enema necessitate updating the dosage recommendations. The current dosage recommendation is 1 gram of powdered shark cartilage per each 2 pounds of body weight, daily. Thus, a 120-pound individual would receive 60 grams of powdered shark cartilage rectally each day.

It is worth noting that the value of shark cartilage is not limited to cancer therapy. There is significant research demonstrating benefits from the administration of shark cartilage for other medical conditions, such as osteo- and Rheumatoid Arthritis , lupus, scleroderma, psoriasis, and eczema.

A study by Roscoe Van Zandt released in May 1992 and cited in "Sharks Don't Get Cancer" investigated the effect of shark cartilage on breast cancer. Eight women with advanced breast tumors received 30 to 60 grams of shark cartilage daily in oral doses. After six to eight weeks all women showed improvement in their condition, ranging from tissue death in the tumors to encapsulation of the tumors.


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