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714-X by Gaston Naessens

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The 714-X is a derivative of camphor, with an extra nitrogen molecule attached.   by #56153   19 year

Gaston Naessens was born in France in 1924. He received his university education in physics, biology, and chemistry during World War II at the Union Scientifique Nationale in Nice, France. Because of wartime conditions, Naessens was awarded a diploma that was the equivalent of a Ph.D. Due to a frustrating oversight, he did not petition Charles de Gaulle's new French government for an equivalency diploma after the war, so many of his detractors claim that he doesn't even have an academic degree.

Naessens's Theory

Naessens believes, as do many other scientists, that some cells in the body develop cancerous characteristics every day. He calls this the initiation or cancerization phase of cancer; a healthy immune system is capable of recognizing and eliminating these potentially dangerous cells.

If the immune system is ineffective, the cells developed in the initiation phase continue to grow, and enter what Naessens refers to as the promotion or cocancerization phase of cancer development. Eventually the cells of the promotion phase reach a critical mass point and form a tumor.

According to Naessens, the fermentative metabolism of cancer cells requires high levels of nitrogen. He calls cancer cells nitrogen traps. He contends that during this phase the cancer cells begin to emit a substance that protects them from the immune system and enables them to extract nitrogen derivatives from the host. He calls this substance cocancerogenic K factor, or CKF.

Therapies and Trials

Naessens has developed several different therapies to strengthen the immune system to treat diseases such as cancer and AIDS. During the 1940s, he developed an anticancer product designed to interfere with the anaerobic fermentation characteristic of cancer metabolism. He named this product GN-24 (for the initials of his name and 1924, the year of his birth). The product was sold commercially through pharmacies, and some patients reported good results with various forms of cancer.

During the late 1950s, Naessens developed an immune-system-enhancing serum called Anablast by injecting cancer cells into a draft horse. Naessens contended that the animal produced antibodies for cancer and that the purified antibodies in this new serum were more effective than the previously developed GN-24 in the treatment of cancer and various forms of leukemia.

There are many anecdotal accounts of apparent cancer cures reported in the articles and books that have chronicled Naessens's

career, but no controlled clinical studies. The increasing popularity of Naessens's treatments led the French medical authorities to arrest and try him twice, once for the illegal practice of medicine and a second time for the illegal practice of pharmacy. Both times he was heavily fined, his laboratory closed, and most of his equipment confiscated.

He moved his laboratory to the island of Corsica, but again media stories drew hundreds of desperate patients to him, resulting in another trial. This time he was acquitted. Ultimately his legal difficulties caused him to emigrate in 1964 to Canada, where he hoped to continue his research with greater freedom.

Unfortunately, publicity over the death of a child receiving his treatment brought another trial, with accompanying worldwide media attention. The trial is covered in a book by the best-selling author Christopher Bird, in The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens. (1)

Although the trials have been time consuming and difficult for Naessens, the testimony of his patients at his trials has brought worldwide attention to his therapies. The personal stories of many cancer patients during the Canadian trial are themselves fascinating. Patients who formerly had cancers of the stomach, intestines, kidney, liver, breast, brain, lymph glands, prostate gland, and larynx, and also leukemia, all testified in behalf of Naessens.

During the trial it was proved that the patient was already considered terminal before receiving treatment, that Naessens promoted 714-X only as an immune stimulant, not as a cure, and that he never promoted himself as a doctor nor charged for his services. Naessens was acquitted in this trial, which brought widespread attention to his 714-X cancer therapy.


Based on his theory of the development of cancer, Naessens developed a therapy designed to suppress CKF. He believes that if the CKF substance is neutralized, the immune system will be able to recognize cancer cells as foreign entities and attack them.

According to Naessens, he had discovered a derivative of ordinary camphor that is capable of interfering with the formation of the CKF substance in cancer cells. He believes that CKF blocks the activity of leukocytes and other phagocytic cells, thus paralyzing the immune system's ability to respond. Naessens came up with the name 714-X for the new camphor compound by using his initials, G and N, which are the seventh and fourteenth letters of the alphabet, and the letter X, which is the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet and stands for the year of his birth, 1924.

The 714-X is a derivative of camphor, with an extra nitrogen molecule attached. Supposedly 714-X supplies the body with the nitrogen it needs to neutralize the nitrogen-hungry tumorcells and stops cancer cells from producing CKF. Naessens believes that this enables the immune system to respond to the cancer.

The 714-X must be injected intralymphatically, usually into the lymphatic area in the groin. The 714-X vaporizes at body temperature, and will be absorbed by the lymph nodes in this area. Most doctors and nurses have not been trained to give intralymphatic injections. However, Naessens has taught patients how to locate the correct lymphatic area and successfully do their own injections.

The 714-X also contains organic salts, which are designed to change the consistency of the lymphatic fluid and enhance the lymphatic system's ability to carry away the toxins that are produced by cancer or other degenerative disease conditions.

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