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Cantrone/ Cancell / Entelev

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Cancell is composed of common chemicals, including nitric acid, sodium sulfite, potassium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, and catechol.   by #56153   19 year

Cancell / Entelev / Cantron

 by Robert Hurt

According to the American Cancer Society web site (, Cancell is composed of common chemicals, including nitric acid, sodium sulfite, potassium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, and catechol. 

As far as I know, the FDA has never tested Cancell to determine its effectiveness in treating cancer, but many people claim it is very effective. 

Although the formula of Cancell has changed slightly over the years, it contains: inositol, potassium, sodium, copper, and a bioflavonoids complex. These ingredients are clearly listed on the label.

A main active ingredient is catechol. It inhibits cancer cell respiration, thus causing the cells to drop below their ability to survive, and allowing the body to dispose of them in the normal way dead cells are disposed of. Its only known negative side effect is that it makes you tired when starting on the program.

Avoid sugar, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and C0Q10 when taking Cancell. 

Noni, grape seed extract, germanium 132, and laetrile work well when taken with Cancell. Willard's Water (that reduces surfase tension of water and makes Cancell more easily absorbable by the body), bromelain (an enzyme from pineapples that fights lysed proteins created by Cancell), and pancreatin (a pancreatic enzyme that strips the protective coating off cancer cells so they can be destroyed) can be taken with Cancell to improve its effectiveness.

In 1990, Mark Waters produced a video about Cancell called At Whose Expense? -The Suppression of a Cancer Cure That Works. The video is 55 minutes long and has interviews with several folks who used Cancell. If you would like a copy e-mail Mark Waters at or call Backcountry Productions, Longmont, CO (303) 772-8358


Entelev was developed by a chemist, James Sheridan of Rosell, Michigan. He theorized the possibility of chemically controlling the energy needed by the cells of our body to cause energy low cancer cells to revert to a state where the body can eliminate them as foreign matter. The theory postulates that cancer cells are too energy low to proceed with their normal development. Cancer cells stop their development just short of differentiating into a normal liver, lung, brain ... cell. Sheridan proposed to push cancer cells backward in their development instead of try to encourage them to differentiate.

Sheridan believed he had found a method of controlling the energy available to cells in the early 1930s after witnessing a chemical reaction called rhythmic banding in an analytical chemistry laboratory at Carnegie Tech and reading the Debye Theory, published in 1927 which explores the effects of changing the dielectric constant on reactions of positive and negative ions suggested the means to accomplish this energy reduction.


By 1940, Sheridan had a compound which he tested to be 38% effective. He continued improving the formulation using laboratory animals. Eventually over 20,000 animal experiments were performed and, by 1953 the development stage ended. Currently the HOPE organization, a support group for cancer surfers, estimate the effectiveness of Entelev at 80% for all cancers. They report higher rates on some specific cancers such as brain tumors and effectiveness in children is lower than 80%. This seems to be related to the higher level of growth common in the cells of children.

Ready for Testing

Sheridan performed some of his development work on Entelev while he worked for the Michigan Cancer Foundation in the 1950's. After performing their own study, they notified the American Cancer Society that Entelev was ready for testing. The American Cancer Society wanted Sheridan to be involved, so they transferred him to their payroll. Within two months, after that transfer was made, Sheridan was fired without even starting the testing.

Based on the animal testing, Sheridan knew that Entelev was non-toxic and started giving it to friends who were at the “end of the line.” Word spread of the effects it had on these people and Sheridan started receiving requests from all over the country. Unable to refuse to give people a change for life, he began distribution it for free to anyone who asked for it. The FDA eventually placed an injunction against the distribution of Entelev.

Ed Sopcak Joins the Effort

Around 1984, a cancer sufferer (who wishes to remain nameless) was given the prognosis of six weeks to live due to advanced cancer. Instead of dying on schedule, he acquired a bottle of Entelev and in six weeks he was declared cancer-free. Unfortunately, Sheridan had recently quit distributing Entelev in response to a court injunction because he had not gained FDA approval. This nameless man had written six technical books, and was competent to understand the formulation so Sheridan give it to him, but he didn’t have the equipment for production. Mr. Nameless contacted a friend, Ed Sopcak who is a metallurgist. Sopcak agreed to make it and eventually started working with Sheridan and distributing it for free between 1984 and 1992.

With their own money Sheridan and Sopcak continued to seek FDA approval. The FDA required toxicity testing. Sheridan and Sopcak decided to pay for this testing because they couldn’t get help from the drug company influenced cancer agencies. Sheridan found what he considered the best laboratory in the country in New Mexico. The cost of the toxicity test was originally $5,000. After they got the material, they called Jim and said it would cost $7,000. Sheridan and Sopcak still agreed. The cost went to $15,000. Still Sheridan and Sopcak agreed. Then the lab called and said for some reason or other they were unable to do it.

The Blockade

Sheridan drove to the lab and said he would like to have a toxicity test run. They said they could have it done within a week. After hearing that the material was Entelev, everything changed. They absolutely couldn't get around to doing it. This treatment continued for years. Some people would say that the $700 billion a year Chemo industry has something to do about it. Sheridan has retired and no longer pursues the battle.

If you want more info on Cancell, visit the Cancell web site.

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