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I have a suspicion that Logols causes one's pH to shift towards the acidic side. Can anyone comment on this?

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Iodine helps to alkalize the body   by Holistic Healing   14 year 3 of 3 (100%)

I happen to be a natural health practitioner with about 10 years of experience working with clients, getting into the field after exhausting all my options with medical profession when challenged with my health considerably at a young age and no I don't believe Iodine causes the body to be acidic.

Ph balancing -- what foods/ supplements causes the body to become acid or alkaline is too simplistic with most people's thinking.

Commercial grocery bought Orange Juice is pasteurized in the U.S. which primarily makes it a Sugar drink which can cause the body to become acidic in some people, but freshly squeezed can add minerals to body helping it to become alkaline. Minerals can be absorbed in this form. Although the juice is acidic outside the body, the way it is digested and reacts with the body as a whole is a net benefit of helping it to alkalize.

In this same way Iodine many benefits comes from it's ability to dissolve and unclog the body of bad fats. Once cleanse, the body can alkalize and oxygenate. So although the Iodine itself is considered acidic, it has an alkalizing affect with the body.

Once iodine cleanses out the trans fats in the body for example, this can help improve eyesight, small micro-circulation that gets clogged, diabetics, who have wax like layer on tissues like vaculature that's like wax on car that beads water but they pool Sugar in blood.

Also helps to soften scarred tissue, they have hardened pancreas where tissue cannot secrete insulin and other enzymes.

Also improves hearing, mind, because primarily made of fat and can restore function. Also nerves are coated with fats, and if fats are hardened, don't function properly.

Iodine improves circulation !! Hence sexual libido.

There are many ways to do things, this is a powerful way and have to assure don't overdo and keep balance with this therapy.

All causes are multi-factored and hence all factors need to be considered to restore. Seldom does one thing cause or cure a person. Can you grow a plant with just water? sunshine? or clean air? what if by roadside w/ high carbon dioxider yet gets clean water, etc. Balance, rid the obstacles and deposits with the good stuff, change the conditions and you change the result. Pretty simple.

Cleansing the bodies organs and tissues is the single most important and effective way to restore the PH balance with the body!

Hope this helps.
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Acid?   by stormygdavis   16 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Hi, I have not found where this might have been answered, so was wondering if it is true? Thanks
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