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Iodine Supplementation and Detox Symptoms? I started taking thyadine about 3wks ago. I had all the symptoms of underactive thyroid. I started with one drop a day. I noticed my fibrocystic breast were gone, i started losing a couple of lbs. So i decided to up the dose to about 4 drops a day. Last weeks I started experiencing anxiety attacks, headaches(mainly pain on one side of my head),lightheadedness, face pain, muscle aches. I have been off of the thyadine for over a wk and the symptoms have continued. I have salt loaded about 3 times a day(not sure if i can do more than that), vitamin c about 4,000, vitamin b complex. Any other ideas should I bet taking any other supplements. I know headaches are common sign of detox. Any thoughts or advice are welcome. Thanks in advance.

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Thyadine   by formygf   15 year 1 of 1 (100%)

I am new to all of this, but I think I can help. I have started my gf on thyadine also bc she showed every sign of hypothyroidism. She got terrible headaches on day two of iodine. There dont seem to be many on here taking thyadine, it seems Lugol's is everybodys choice. There is a major difference between the two: Thyadine is colloidal, which means your body can absorb almost all of it. That is why the Iodine content of the two vary so much, and in turn, why its harder to get the dosing right. Im simply guessing here, but it seems that going from 1-4 drops of thyadine would equate to possibly going from 5-20 drops of lugols. Point is, thyadine is WAY stronger than lugols(when you factor in its far better absorption into the body). I think you would be much better served to only increase in one-drop increments. And dont forget to take your Sea Salt with the cleanest water you can find. And remember, detox symptoms are strong proof that your body is full of bromide; so dont give up! Good Luck!!
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