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Livingston-Wheeler Therapy

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Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler isolated a strain of bacteria and created a vaccine   by #56153   19 year

DURING THE 1950s the late Dr. Virginia (Wuerthele-Caspe) Livingston-Wheeler isolated a strain of bacteria she believed caused cancer and developed a vaccine to treat it. Her work is continued at the clinic she founded in San Diego, and focuses on a variety of treatments to strengthen the immune system.

In her book The Conquest of Cancer, Dr. Livingston presented a review of sixty-two cases and concluded that the clinic had a success rate of 82 percent, denning success as remission or significant improvement in health. (7) She believed that the remaining 18 percent could have been helped if their immune systems had not been compromised by chemotherapy and radiation.

The OTA study reports that clinical trials of autogenous vaccine are being conducted by Anthony Strelkauskas, M.D., at the University of South Carolina, and in Norfolk, Virginia under the direction of Vincent Speckhart, M.D., and Alva Johnson, Ph.D. Preliminary results show several cases of tumor regression, ranging from partial to complete, and an absence of adverse reactions except for an occasional rash or localized redness.

A study published in theNew England Journal of Medicine compared the outcome of seriously ill cancer patients receiving conventional treatment with those receiving the Livingston-Wheeler regimen, including the autogenous immunization shots.

The researchers concluded they could find no difference in survival between the two groups. The quality of life was slightly better in those receiving conventional care, but the authors note that these patients as a group were in better condition at the beginning of the study. This is probably due to the fact that many patients seek alternative therapy for cancer only when they are seriously ill and have exhausted traditional treatments.

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